Friday, July 06, 2007

Still sleeping through the night!

For those who read the post below, about Kyle sleeping through the night, he has continued to do so every night since then! He is sleeping from abour 10:00 to at least 5:00! YAYYYYYYY!

July 3-4, 2007

Heather and Aidan
Mommy and me
These are my new friends!

I'm not quite big enough for this kind of fun yet. It sure was nice trying it out though!

Happy 4th of July! Mommy, Daddy, and I went to Meredith and Connor's house for a cookout and pool time with some of my new baby friends. Once Mommy saw that I liked the pool she took me out of my flag outfit and put me in my swim shirt and diaper.

Tuesday, July 03, 2007

Kyle slept through the night!

As I sit here and type this I look at the clock and see that it is 5:36 AM. I have been awake for one hour. Kyle has been asleep for 7 hours! He last ate at 10:00, fell asleep right after I put him down at 10:30 (didn't even make it through one round of the mobile), and hasn't woken since. I woke up just after 4:30, thinking it must be around 2:30 (his usual middle of the night feeding time). I looked at the clock...saw 4:36....inwardly gasped....listened for breathing...whew, heard a breath....then waited....and waited...and waited.....until 4:49...looked into his bed and heard him breathe in, I waited some more until I heard Karl stirring. "Karl, are you awake?" "Yes." "Kyle hasn't woken up at all and he has been asleep since 10:30." Karl says, "Should we wake him?" "NO!" I yell out. (No, I didn't really yell it out...only thought that.) So, Karl got up at 5:00 to get ready for work and I am still sitting here....5:42....full of energy after such a long night of uninterrupted sleep....still waiting.....listening as he is now stirring....and waiting some more.....

Sunday, July 01, 2007

July 1 - Too cool for words!

We washed the next set of clothes for Kyle today...he is growing so fast! Here is one of his new outfits...from Oma Bayer and Uncle Ryan. He'd make a cute baseball player, wouldn't he? We better get Uncle Ryan to start working with him now!