Beautiful fall days have led to many fun times with friends and family. The weather has been so nice that we have enjoyed an extended amount of time outside this season. Fall really is beautiful around here!

Caught Kyle with his playdoh while I was in the kitchen.

Meet Mr. Robot

He's a dancing robot!

Fire prevention week

Kyle and Michael heading to their first FSU game

Kyle and the FSU cheerleaders

Practicing the chop

Halloween cookie making....everyone has to get a taste

Halloween Barney still head these kids' interest!

Playing Dead Whale


Ladder Ball

Durant Park Halloween Trail.....yearly tradition

Arrrgghhh! Headed to the Halloween festival in Rolesville

Hanging out with Greyson and Michael

Playing a Halloween adding game

Making Halloween popcorn balls

If only Halloween were just a month later we would have had more than enough leaves to fill these bags!

Fun at Vollmer Farm

Kyle loves paper/pencil mazes so I knew this real life one would be a hit.

Arrrgghhhh! It's a pirate pumpkin (hat was missing during this picture).

Trick or treating with Chelsea at the Factory

Ready for some ECU football

Leading the band with Uncle John

Kyle's taking pictures now

Trick or treating on Halloween at the club

Ready to carve it up, Daddy!

2011 Halloween costume replica made at Greyson's house

Shiver me timbers and trick or treat

S0 much gooey fun

Ready for a rainy, cold night of trick or treating

All of this was worth the rain.

Turkey wreaths

What can we build together?

Negative space painting

Homemade instrument

Angry Birds pack from 1+1+1=1. I was so excited when I saw that Carissa made this since Kyle is a huge Angry Birds fan.
Kyle dot paints words that rhyme with pig.

Working on fractions

Counting and tracing numbers through 30

Greater than and less than

Leaf crown made at Durant Park nature program

Paint by word

Learning more about money

Reading and tracing color words

A long afternoon spent at the park

nap time

Ready for Uncle John's concert

Raleigh Christmas parade....ready for the music, floats, etc.

American Idol winner Scotty McCreery was the grand marshall

Nutcracker float

Santa has arrived in Raleigh!

Hanging out at Marbles Museum while waiting for the parade crowd to thin out.

Couple nights away in Asheville, NC....Blue Ridge Mountains

The moment we reached the top the rain started to pour! We were told there are beautiful panoramic views at the top. :)

After coming back down...

Lunch time at McDonalds on our way to the NC Science Museum the day before Thanksgiving

We love the hands on Discovery Room

The boys loved watching the construction going on outside.

All kinds of creepy crawly things in there

Who are these Bee-utiful girls?

Helping mama make one of Daddy's favorite holiday desserts....chocolate delight!

Happy Thanksgiving!

Thought about making this elf look like his Elf on the Shelf, Owo, but decided on a more colorful approach.

Our artificial "Snoopy" tree is upstairs in the play area. Kyle decorated it with all of his homemade ornaments.

Figured out how to flip over

Daddy helped Kyle put the letter he wrote to Santa next to Owo so that he could take it to Santa when he flew to the North Pole that night.
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