These were taken on Christmas Eve, just before Karl and I went to a get together with some people from the neighborhood. I am 22 weeks and 4 days here. Currently I am 26 weeks and 4 days so I need to get some updated pictures taken and posted!
We finally got a rug for our living room! YAY!! It looks so much better than the bath rugs we were using to keep the floors from being scratched. Pape Karl saw this pattern and knew it would be perfect for our living room. He was right!
Karl's 29th birthday was January 19. We both had to work that day and we had a long doctor's visit that afternoon. Papa Karl has been in town visiting (and helping to get Baby Bayer's room ready, crib and wardrobe are up, pics coming when more is done) and he made dinner for Karl's birthday.
You can't really tell I am pregnant in this picture!