Our first night home with Kyle, Saturday April 28, went quite well. We got up and fed every 3-4 hours and were able to sleep well in between feedings. I got up the next day (Sunday, April 29) feeling pretty good. Things changed quickly! Feedings, poops, and pees didn't happen quite as regularly and the night was a disaster! Kyle did not stop crying, peeing, pooping, eating/attempting to eat from about 1:30 until 6:45 when grandma (his great-grandma) rescued us by doing what we hadn't done for hours....getting him to sleep for more than 5 minutes! Today has been a very good day and all has gone back to "normal." Night is upon us now so we will see how it goes!

Kyle and his great-grandma the day we got home (Saturday April 28).

Kyle wearing the first outfit we bought when we found out we were having a boy....our little Baby Bayer (Sunday April 29).

Introducing Kyle to many of his toys (Monday April 30).
Long legs like his daddy!