Friday, May 04, 2007

May 4, 2007 pictures

Kyle is now 8 days old! Our first few days of sleepless nights have given way to a bit of a more predictable sleeping pattern. Kyle is sleeping 3-4 hours at a time now and falling back to sleep pretty easily after feedings and changings. It makes for more pleasant nights of sleep for Karl and me. HOPEFULLY it will stay this way.....fingers crossed..... :)

Wednesday, May 02, 2007

Pictures from May 1 and 2

Several pictures taken the past two days!

First Family Photo!!!

First Bath - May 1, 2007

Monday, April 30, 2007

First days at home

Our first night home with Kyle, Saturday April 28, went quite well. We got up and fed every 3-4 hours and were able to sleep well in between feedings. I got up the next day (Sunday, April 29) feeling pretty good. Things changed quickly! Feedings, poops, and pees didn't happen quite as regularly and the night was a disaster! Kyle did not stop crying, peeing, pooping, eating/attempting to eat from about 1:30 until 6:45 when grandma (his great-grandma) rescued us by doing what we hadn't done for hours....getting him to sleep for more than 5 minutes! Today has been a very good day and all has gone back to "normal." Night is upon us now so we will see how it goes!

Kyle and his great-grandma the day we got home (Saturday April 28).

Kyle wearing the first outfit we bought when we found out we were having a boy....our little Baby Bayer (Sunday April 29).

Introducing Kyle to many of his toys (Monday April 30).

Long legs like his daddy!

More hospital pictures

Our stay at the hospital ended on Saturday, April 28th around 2:00 PM. What a moment it was to realize that all of the help you knew was around for you was about to be gone and that real life...just Kyle and us... was about to officially begin!

Kyle's first visitors, Jesse and Valerie, Friday April 27.
Dad is recovering in the post partum room.

My two handsome men!

Kyle's first car ride....good bye REX hospital, hello to the rest of the world!