I last posted around Halloween and since then we have been in full swing with the holiday season. The first season with Kyle was memorable simply because it was his first. His second was enjoyable because he was older and reacted to some of the things going on around him. This one, so far, has just been fun because he's at the age where he just gets things and gets excited over all the celebrations and special events. I can only imagine what Christmas day itself is going to be like this year! Oh, by the way, he asked Santa for more Barney....sigh.... :)
Kyle continues to amaze me when it comes to the speed in which he is able to learn and remember things. Here he is coloring the lowercase letter that matches the uppercase letter shown. He loves using dry erase markers and the eraser and has loved "playing this game." He'll actually sit and do all 26 letters when he is really into it!
Beautiful fall Sunday spent at the park with some friends.

Ll week's big focus was ladybugs. We enjoyed several ladybug books then Kyle put together this ladybug with parts I had cut out. He really likes using glue and has learned to squeeze it out and just dot it on the paper but still likes to put some in a baby food container and use a qtip to spread it.
Showing his ladybug to bear and friends...
Hiding under his table with the ladybug...
Great in the moment shots

Ll week's big focus was ladybugs. We enjoyed several ladybug books then Kyle put together this ladybug with parts I had cut out. He really likes using glue and has learned to squeeze it out and just dot it on the paper but still likes to put some in a baby food container and use a qtip to spread it.
So many of the kids in our moms group started preschool this year so it is often hard to get a bunch of us together to play these days. This great fall day was one that we were all able to enjoy together at the park.
Kyle and Natalia
Still loves hats
Wonder what secrets they are sharing...
Kyle and Savannah

Raleigh Christmas Parade - always the weekend before Thanksgiving...guess they like to get the celebrations going early around here

Happy Thanksgiving! Peanut butter for breakfast??? Sure, why not?
In between the Macy's parade and getting food ready Kyle did some activities I had placed out that week. We were working on letter Mm and one of our words was magnet. I collected items, magnetic and not, from around the house and placed them in a box with this magnetic wand. Kyle started going through this box and naturally realized that some of the things stuck and some did not. So, I gave him the word magnet (and magnetic), spelled, and wrote it. He then tested every item in the box and sorted them into magnetic and nonmagnetic piles. He enjoyed this so much that this activity is still out. He knows exactly which items are magnetic and likes to pile them all on now while ignoring the others. Guess it is time to put new items for him to test in there.
We made several different turkeys and read several books about Thanksgiving leading up to the big day. He colored a coffee filter fall colors for this one, sprayed water on it to make the colors run, let it dry overnight, then used it as the feathers of the turkey he is putting together in this picture.
Practicing cutting....Kyle loves to cut so any scraps of paper we have go into a cutting basket so he can cut paper whenever he wants to.
Helping with the turkey...Kyle was so excited about us cooking a turkey. He asked if we could cook it from the moment he woke up that day. When I cut the packaging away and he saw the turkey for the first time he said, "It's so big!" His next comment was "Shhh! Turkey's sleeping," and he put his hands up under his head and ears to mimic the sleeping turkey. The things they come up with at this age!
Thanksgiving dinner was at our friends', Stephanie, Frank, Taylor, and Ashley, house again. Lana and Brent, their two kids, Alex and Riley, Stephanie's sister, Sam, my brother, John, his friend, Christina, and her mom, Myra, all joined us for Thanksgiving Dinner. The food was delicious and the kids had a great time with each other. We all had so much to be thankful for.

Raleigh Christmas Parade - always the weekend before Thanksgiving...guess they like to get the celebrations going early around here
Happy Thanksgiving! Peanut butter for breakfast??? Sure, why not?
Karl caught this picture of my little man and me taking a moment to relax together! It was literally a moment....he doesn't just sit and relax for long. Kyle definitely likes to keep busy!
Kyle had to help make sure the tree was firmly in place. How we love our Snoopy tree!
Putting on Baby's First Christmas ornament
This snowman is from my grandma and Kyle loves watching it move around and light up!
The back of the tree seemed to be Kyle's favorite place to put the ornaments. As you can see he likes the gathered together look. They are still bunched together back there.
Oma brought Kyle an Advent calendar and it is the first thing on his mind every morning. He gets a piece of chocolate every day from December 1st to the 25th. Before he gets it he counts all the "doors" he has already opened from 1 to whatever day we are on. For those who don't know, Oma showed up the day before my 30th birthday to watch Kyle while Karl took me on a surprise trip to NYC the 7th-9th. Those pictures will be posted later.
December 6 - My 30th birthday and the day we FINALLY got the Christmas decorations up.
Kyle had to help make sure the tree was firmly in place. How we love our Snoopy tree!