Rainy Monday with Daddy sleeping after working all night meant we needed some new, quiet activities to do around the house! I pulled out all of these materials and Kyle had a blast pouring, empyting, and filling up all the containers. He now asks to play with the beans on a daily basis.
We used shells we collected from Pensacola Beach to create this sparkly display.
Where are Kyle's friends?? Here they are!
Two things Kyle loves...smoothies and playing tag with the flashlight.
Kyle loves looking at my photo albums...especially the ones that have pictures of him.
Mother's Day roses from Karl and Kyle
One of our most recent favorite parks...played there for over two hours this day.
NC Art Museum preschool program...it was about sounds so the kids took a walk to hear different sounds....
Made sounds of their own....
Read a story about the sound of quiet....
And made ear trumpets to help them hear all kinds of sounds!
First pool day of the year with Lana and Alex!
Helping Daddy make waffles. Kyle always wants to help cook.
Birthday gift from Oma...Kyle LOVES his bike seat!
Happy Second Birthday Day, Kaleigh!!
Making a May Day basket
Playing with scissors...with my supervision, of course