Monday, April 14, 2008

Kyle's First Days of Walking

This is a short clip from two days after Kyle started taking more than a couple steps on his own. He is 11 months and 4 days here (March 30th). He can't stand up on his own, unless he is holding onto something and then pulls himself up to standing, so as of now he will only walk if we put him in a standing position or if he chooses to let go of whatever he is holding to walk. As of now, he still prefers to crawl since he is SOOO fast when he crawls.

Sunday, April 13, 2008

March 27 - April 11

First experiences have abounded these past few weeks!!

We went to the mall play area for the first time and had so much fun that we went back a second time the following week! Kyle loved crawling through the tunnels...especially when he ran into some of his buddies in there!

When we go to the park I usually make sure Kyle does not go off the blanket I put on the grass. However, since he is getting to be such a big boy now, I don't mind him getting off so much. He was in shorts and began crawling in the grass (not very thick grass at all). I guess he didn't like it very much because he began to "walk" on his hands and feet, lifting his knees off the ground. If he would just push up with his hands then he would be standing! Maybe he'll realize that before too long.

He became quite fascinated with the straps on his stroller here.
Kyle was at another friend's birthday play group (Happy Birthday, AJ!) and he played with a balloon for the first time. Of course, he loved much, in fact, that he later used the hair of another friend, Alex, to pull himself up to get the balloon....(sorry Lana....).

This face says it all...Kyle was looking down at the HUGE pool he was about to get to on his first day of swim lessons. Our fearless boy looked like he wasn't quite sure about what was to happen. He has been in a pool before (not one as big as this) but not since he was 4 months old.

Thinking deeply about whether or not he wants to do this....
Kyle LOVES the pool!! The moment we walk in he gets all excited, jumping up and down in my arms, and laughs, laughs, laughs!

Kyle and his buddies, Harrison and Matthew, practice "jumping in."
Another new thing for Kyle lately...sharing...isn't it nice how he shares his food with his mommy? I wonder if he would share his blueberries with me....

A not so happy face of Kyle!
Kyle is in charge of the neighborhood watch program.
Another not so happy face
Karl took Kyle out to practice his walking one day and I had to sneak some pictures of this special time with daddy!

More mall play area pictures...
King of the Mountain
Kyle and Savannah climbed up to the slide...
and LOVED going down it! Kyle would get the biggest smile on his face every time he went down the slide!
Savannah and Kyle

Playing with friends
My usually non-stop, always moving, no time to cuddle with mommy son decided to take a break from his play time and plopped himself across my lap like this and actually stayed there for a few minutes! So cute!!