I love summer. I just love it...always have. Hours in the sun and at the pool, enjoying long days and traveling all over make the summer season so wonderful. In the past few weeks we've been in Greenville, NC (twice), Washington D.C., Alexandria, VA, Washington, NC, and New Bern, NC. We've been able to enjoy time with family while sharing new experiences with Kyle.

Pulling tomatoes off the vine at Uncle John's house.

Hanging out with John, Christina, Big Ollie, Little Ollie, and the cats.

This reminded us of a similar picture, seen
here, taken October 2007.

Found a partner in crime to hang out with

We headed to Arlington, VA for a few days to visit with Uncle Mike and Aunt Louise. Just after arriving we drove into DC and went to the Natural History Museum.

Next was a walk to the White House...we got a little lost but Uncle Mike helped us find it.

We forgot our camera the next day and missed out on pictures of the Air and Space Museum, Pengaton Memorial, and Capitol Building, which we toured. We also missed out on getting a picture with our friend, Amy, that we were able to visit with.

Hugs and kisses from Uncle Mike

Cuddle time with Aunt Louise

Alexandria, VA waterfront

Enjoying a boat tour on the Potomac River

Kyle's first boat ride

We had such a great time during our short trip in VA with Mike and Louise. We look forward to going back and spending more time and enjoying even more of DC and our time with them.

At the end of one of Kyle's recent naps (translation: book reading and play time in room) I walked into this. I asked him what was going on and he said that all the animals were taking naps.

One of the babies needed to have his nose wiped.

Karl got this Southwest Airlines playset for Kyle while we were in DC. The moment we got it out Kyle started playing with it. He is especially excited because Southwest is the plane he flies on usually when going to see cousin Chloe. So, of course this plane is the "going to see Chloe plane."

The coffee table was the airport originally but Karl and Kyle got the idea to build their own airport. Here they are working on the runway.

Showing off the pirate ship that will expand in water before we actually put it in the water.

Matching pictures to lower case consonant letters.

Halfway done

More scooping and pouring fun...Kyle enjoys doing this almost every day!

Playdoh fun!

Read, Color, Write, Stamp activity we began in February...Kyle was much more interested in this now....actually enjoyed tracing the color words, as well as stamping the words.

Finishing our ABC Farm book we began when we were studying farms. He wanted to trace the remaining five or six letters all by himself and he did such a good job! He was so proud of himself and I was so excited for his new interest in writing!

4th of July fun!!! Making a 4th of July shirt.

Ready to read some of our 4th of July themed books

Star stamping - making a 4th of July windsock

Adding the ribbon to the windsock

All done! This one is for Uncle John and Christina!

4th of July windsock #2 - gluing big colored stars onto star paper

A doctor and an artist?

Loving the style

Dirt in the dump truck? No! Rocks in the dump truck? No! Underwear in the dump truck? Yes!

July 3rd waterfront dinner in Washington, NC

Spending time with my brother, John

Summer night ice cream by the boats

July 4th in New Bern, NC - first stop, the birthplace of Pepsi

Making a Pepsi commerative penny....wonder if the penny that was placed in the pocket has since gone through the wash....

The Pepsi penny

Enjoying the beautiful church grounds

New Bern has these different bears all around town...The Bayers got pictures with a couple of them

Tryon Palace

Sunflowers in the kitchen garden at Tryon palace

The three Bayers