We have officially become part of the parent cliche'....we own a van, a Honda Odyssey to be exact. Karl worked a great deal, pitting three dealerships in three cities against each other for two days before finally getting the deal he wanted with the local dealership. We traded in his Honda Accord, which he had for nine years, and although it was hard to let go of it, we all love our new van! It drives so well and doesn't feel as big as it is. Right after we got it we had several days of rainy and then snowy weather so Kyle only got to sit in it while it was in the garage for a while. He absolutely loves being able to walk around in his new car. The only problem is that he doesn't like getting into his car seat as much now that he knows how comfy the other seats are.

As I said, it snowed..in Raleigh....in March. This time he happily put his mittens on and had a great time out in the snow with his sand toys.

After spending time outside in the snow we made our own winter wonderland picture with sparkly pompoms and glitter.

One of the moms in our group moved to Texas so we had this goodbye playgroup for her son and her.

Kyle is showing off his skills.

Crazy hair day

Kyle LOVES the sandboxes at the parks.

Playing at the park with Savannah and Harrison

St.Patrick's Day - We had a play group at our house and invited our friends to participate in many St. Patrick's Day crafts and activities. This past St. Patrick's Day was the ten year anniversary of the day Karl and I met!

This is the exact same outfit I was wearing the day Karl and I met.

Hanging out with Daddy at the airport

While Uncle John was here we finally went to the NC Zoo in Asheboro. Our friends, Lana and Alex, rode along with us.

The St. Patrick's Day Parade was delayed a week due to weather. This meant that Uncle John and his friend were able to go with us!

Hanging out in our backyard with Uncle John and his dog, Oliver

Kyle loves his new van so much that he wanted to help Daddy wash it!

Kyle loved playing in Savannah's new sandbox!

Kyle is not feeling well today so we spent a large part of the morning in Mommy's bed, wearing pjs, with blankets and rabbit, and watching Barney.

Enjoy these clips from the past month!