Our new pet...this baby deer has decided to take up residence between our house and our grill.
We had this alphabet poster out one afternoon and Kyle took the alphabet magnets that were nearby and starting matching up the magnets to the same letter on the poster. We named each letter as he placed the magnets on there.
Several pictures of us playing in our front and back yards.
4th of July morning - Kyle entertained himself by putting these alphabet stickers all over his face while Karl and I got ready for the Wake Forest children's parade.
Walking the 4th of July parade with the Sabatos and Aberants
Decorating and eating a 4th of July cupcake
The swim and athletic club that we joined, and I work at 10-15 hours a week, opened July 3rd. Kyle started "swimming" on his own on the 4th of July....his own little declaration of independence, I guess.
Hanging out at the pool party
Time for fireworks and food
Play time with daddy
We forgot to do sparklers on the 4th so we did ours on the 5th instead.
Always loves helping daddy
First time playing miniature golf...the novelty quickly wore out and Kyle spent most of his time dropping the ball in the hole and running around.
Hanging out with Taylor and Alex
What's in the bag?? Pulling out foam letters and naming them
Practicing number recognition, counting, 1:1 correspondence
Train puzzle book from a yard sale
Kyle will shake this egg carton then open it, dump the erasers, then put them back into each section as he counts to 12.
"Wide Mouth Frog" book...I loved this book when I was in school and was so excited to find it at a used bookstore. Kyle loves it, too, especially the big Splash at the end!
Sesame Street size concepts book
Which one is different?? Kyle looks for the sticker that is different from all the others and tells what makes it different.
Counting with milk lid containers
Using his easel for the first time....no idea about the sticker on the face thing.
So much fun stacking these up...
...and even more fun knocking them down.
Playing in the kid splash area at the Granite Falls Swim and Athletic Club
NC Art Museum - Helping the dinosaur egg hatch
Singing dinosaur songs
Stretching rope to see how long various dinosaurs were
But the best part of the art museum is all of the construction going on!