Where oh where has July gone? It seems like just yesterday I was posting 4th of July pictures. During the past few weeks Kyle spent his first night (then second night right away because the first was so succcessful) all by himself at Uncle John's house. Karl and I were thrilled that he did so well. We see many more guy weekends with Uncle John in the future, especially since Kyle often asks to go to his house alone again. The next weekend we were back with Uncle John (and Christina) for our first trip to Atlantic Beach in NC. It was so humid that my computer continued to fog up so some of the great shots of everyone were ruined due to the fogged lense. Oh well...great memories of jumping waves and failed tent setup attempts at least. Beyond that we have enjoyed more days at the pool (no surprise) and fun activities around the house while trying to keep cool during these hot, hot days!

$0.25 ice pops....can't beat it!

Great Target find from the dollar section....color and shape Bingo...Kyle loves playing this game.

Painting a big wooden flower like the small one he painted in the Spring for cousin Chloe.

Trying out the tying, buttoning, snapping, etc. bear for the first time.

Find 4 things wrong card...we had about 5 of these and Kyle laughed so hard while trying to find the things that were wrong. In this picture he is pointing to a hippopotamus in the sky.

Working on an ABC puzzle. Kyle was very excited to see this in one of his boxes this day since it had been a while since we've worked on a new puzzle.

This dump truck still remains the best couple of dollars I've spent at a consignment sale.
Atlantic Beach, NC

Uncle John, Christina, and Kyle relaxing after the failed tent setup attempt....at least we weren't the only ones that had a hard time...everyone else trying to put theirs up during the same time also failed. That made us feel a bit better.

Two is better than one, right?

M&Ms in one hand and mint Oreo cookie in the other (thanks Uncle John) with a bit of sand mixed in

Using the Toy Story Buzz Lightyear kickboard from Uncle John for the first time

After months and months of train obsession in the Winter and Spring, Kyle hasn't been as interested in them lately. However, he asked for help putting together a track the other day and this is what we created!

Another great Target dollar section find...a pirate hat (he got a chef's hat, too, which looks sooooo adorable on him...just haven't had the camera around to catch a picture of him cooking in his kitchen).

We haven't pulled this out in a while but Kyle noticed it again this past week and wanted to do this counting activity. He's counting out cut up pipe cleaners for one of the numbers.

Finishing the Shape book we first attempted (one page got done) when we did letter Ss during our Letter of the Week study. I am guessing it was the early part of this year since we did a lot of snow related activities, too. Anyways, he was not interested (probably more likely he was not ready) in tracing the shapes or coloring in the number of shapes asked of him in the book. Fast forward many months later and he flies through the book!!! I am glad I kept this activity, as well as many others, to pull out and try again because it is amazing to see the change in interest and ability in the past several months.

Mmmmmmm.....special treat peanut butter and marshmallow tortilla for lunch.....yes, in pajamas still. As Oma and Kyle would say, we were having a jammy party!

To say that it is hot in NC right now would be more than an understatement. I believe today's actual temperature was 103 degrees, which means it felt like 110. This was preceeded by 100 and 99 I think and too many days to count in the upper nineties before that. This summer may very well rival the one when all the kiddos were born.....2007. Remember that, moms?
So, Kyle has been taking showers for so long now and they are usually quick and to the point so I have forgotten the kind of pleasure that can be derived from a tub full of water and various water toys. So, while looking for something in his bathroom the other day I came across his stash of tub toys and though how I should one day put him, his toys (including our usual funnels, measuring cups, and other pouring and transferring items), and half a tub full of water into our bathtub and let him enjoy it all. Well, this weekend's round of hot weather was a perfect occasion for this. As you will see, he had a blast! He was in there for at least an hour the first time, has asked to do it again every day since, and was in for 30-45 minutes today. Ahhh....the joys of water play!