Hello Fall.....almost. It is still summer, technically, but with cooler days just ahead of us we have started getting back into our school routine. It has been months since we have had any designated school time.....between packing and moving to a new house and all the lazy, pool filled days of summer, we just didn't get around to it much this summer! Kyle got things started right with this sign for his schoolroom door.....

Translation: "Kyle and mom Mommy only. No one else allowed." Sorry, Daddy, apparently that includes you as well.

We slowly made our way through a dinosaur theme throughout the summer and finished it up the end of August. Kyle chose where to place these dinosaur stencils and then painted them. Several of them ended up a variety of colors.

The completed piece of art included dinosaur stickers.

Attacking the water at the neighborhood pool...

Opa visited the last week of August. Kyle and Opa spent many hours building and playing with the marble run.

All ready for bed

Making an ocean themed card for Aunt Maggie

Opening day of college football...Kyle is attempting the FSU war chant and tomahawk chop

Addition practice....still loves math

In Kyle's Ready to Learn Class they read the book, Blueberries for Sal. We carried that book over into our learning activities for the week with resources found

This read, build, and write activity is from
Homeschool Creations. Kyle read the word on the card (we had used the same words in other activities and the picture gives a clue), builds it with his letter tiles, then writes it.

Making butterscotch cream cheese squares...mmmm....

ECU vs. VA Tech football day! Starting the day off with ECU football doughnuts.

What a fan he is!

Arrrrggghhhh! Decked out in his pirate gear

Leading the band in with Uncle John

Might try directing next...

Watching the action on the jumbo TV

Football day!
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