Spring has sprung and we have been enjoying all the warm weather and fun holidays associated with it. We had a great trip to Florida, visiting family and friends and attending a wedding. Kyle and Chloe had such a great time together and we all loved seeing the joy they had just being together every day. We're looking forward to more time with family, Easter, and celebrating Kyle's FOURTH birthday very soon!

Placing shades of colors from dark to light and checking them against a full paint sample card.

Counting the number of small green items and gold coins from the St. Patricks's Day Sensory Bin. We had to get a couple more hundred boards out to finish all the counting!

Exploring everything inside the St. Patrick's Day Sensory Bin!

More sorting...

And stacking...

And sorting...

Making a bird's nest

Painting a wooden shamrock. We later added A TON of gold glitter to it, making it a beautiful, sparkly decoration.

I have tried very hard to put all the words that Kyle can read on his own on our word wall. I know I don't have them all but it is a good list. Kyle decided he wanted to count how many words he can read on his own. So, starting with letter Aa he pointed to each word, read it, and counted it. We had 84 words this day but have added many since then. He is able to sound out CVC words with no assistance now and remembers so many more words the first time he is "taught" them or inquires about them in our reading.

Uncle Mike and Aunt Louise sent Kyle a package (that alone is enough to make the day extraordinary) after their trip to Thailand. One of the things they sent was this tut tut, along with a postcard showing it in use. Kyle has enjoyed this new mode of transportation and chooses it instead of his Matchbox cars lately.

Decorating a tiny pot and planting some seeds. We left on vacation not long after this and just didn't take care of our little plant so it didn't grow for us. :(

Making a St. Patrick's Day wreath....painting a paper plate ring rainbow colors before adding green shamrocks and crepe paper.
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