Mid May already? It is hard to believe we are just days away from spending hours in the pool but we are! We've spent the weeks since Kyle's birthday celebrating others' birthdays, taking full advantage of our Marbles Kids Museum family membership we received for Kyle's birthday (such a FABULOUS gift), and just plain ol' having fun enjoying the beautiful Spring season.

Enjoying the sandbox and bounce house at Amina's birthday party.

Marbles Kids Museum visit #1 (with Uncle John)

water play

loading up the mail truck

Mail delivery time

Surf's up!

Now those are some major building blocks!

loading up the "lemons" and "limes"

Making a pizza for mommy

Pizza in the oven

What do you want on your pizza, Uncle John?

Kyle's first dentist visit...laid against me for the cleaning after I had mine done

Not so sure about this...

Laid back like a big boy for the dentist to take a look

Having a blast with the drill he got for his birthday.....great gift in so many ways!

Peeking in on me from outside

Water balloon fun

After sorting colored stones, Kyle counted each set by laying them on the calendar numbers and saying what number it was. We then made a chart that showed all of our amounts and found out which color we had the most of.

Using tweezers to pick up construction stickers and then sorting them by type of construction vehicle.

After sorting we worked together to make this construcion site masterpiece. He told me what all he thought should go on the picture and I drew the things (rock, sand/dirt, trees, sun) for him. He then placed the stickers all around the construction site.

Uncle John, Kyle, and I drove to Charlotte for the day to do some shopping at Ikea (my first visit). We were there for four hours.....Kyle shopped and tried out beds with us the first hour, went to the supervised kid play area for the second hour, shopped/played the third hour, and ate the fourth hour. This is his face at the end of the fourth hour. :)
Marbles Kids Museum visit #2

Members were invited to come in for a Mother's Day tea the day before Mother's Day. Kyle decorated a cookie for each of us.

Enjoying our lemonade, tea, and cookie.

Putting out the fire!

Watering the beautiful gardens at Marbles with daddy.

Had to get a little digger action in while at the museum.

Finally got the hang of using the keyboard mouse. We spent close to two hours in bed on Mother's Day playing games on the computer. We use Zoodles for game play and have really enjoyed it.

After our computer time we popped our tent (old consignment store find) and tunnel (new birthday gift) up and had a great time!

Rabbit got loaded up into one of the dump trucks and took a ride down the tunnel, into the tent, and back again.

Pushing the "diggers" through the "rock quarry."

Look who I found in the tunnel!

Taking a break from construction to play Chutes and Ladders. Almost every time we play I have to tell the story about the kids at the top and bottoms of the ladders and slides.

First attempts at making a potholder. Kyle laid all of the loops across then I finished it with the weaving and looping around the edge.

Time for Tots at the NC Museum of History....all about tea, including observing teapots and other related items that are up to 300 years old, handling modern day tea sets, having a tea party, and listening to a story about tea for two that quickly became tea for ten.

Having a great time with the gang!

Enjoying the family fun day in Lana's neighborhood.

Taking a quick break to smile with the birthday boy, Grady!
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