Ronald McDonald was at the library for a special show about reading books. At first I don't know if Kyle knew what to think about him but he soon began laughing very hard at all the funny things he did.

As we looked at the Ronald McDonald magazine the next few days all Kyle could talk about was Ronald's red hair, red and yellow clothes, and yellow hands.

Father's Day - Karl worked the night before so he slept most of Father's Day. To provide a very quiet house for him we spent the morning outside, playing in the backyard, and even had lunch outside.

After playing at one of our usual parks (the one where Kyle had his first birthday party at) I decided to finally take us to Mom & M's on Main Street in Rolesville. We enjoyed delicious sandwiches there (chicken salad for me, grilled cheese for Kyle - the best I have had of both in a LONG time) and orange, yellow, and green sherbert. Kyle hadn't eaten sherbert and doesn't always like ice cream (although I think that is starting to change) so I wasn't sure he would like it but I chose this one because it had his favorite color...orange (truly his fav, gets excited to see it anywhere and asks to wear orange every day). Well, if all of his "Mmm, yummy"s were any indication, he loved it!

Kyle played with water balloons for the first time. Once he figured out what to do he had a great time throwing them down and watching the water splash.

Still loves to water the plants.

Yes, that is a real tear....I made the mistake of starting a load of laundry that included two of the blankets he sleeps with (it also included his rabbits but, thankfully, he didn't see those). Well, he saw them and he freaked out. He did not want his blankets to go into the wash. So, to help him get past his sadness at his blankets being in the wash we distracted him with the prospect of eating a smoothie...that didn't work....however, when we asked him if he wanted to make the smoothie he started to forget about the blankets. :) He loves the kitchen and thoroughly enjoys being able to help anytime he can. "Kyle help, Kyle help" is something we hear often.

NC Art Museum preschool playshop day...Savannah was with us this time! Kyle was supposed to make things out of his thumb and fingerprints for the first activity. He spent a few minutes on it before wanting to go back up the stairs and see the diggers and dump trucks. He could hear them and saw them on the way to this area so their sounds and the images in his head were calling him.

The second activity I couldn't even take a picture of because he spent so little time on it. Instead we ended up watching all of the construction work going on for about an hour.

The NC History Museum has a pirate exhibit right now so Karl, Kyle, and I spent the morning checking it out. NC has a lot of pirate history so it is a favorite subject for many kids around here. Kyle enjoyed playing in the kids' area.

One of the great things about the NC History Museum is that the NC Science Museum is right next to it (and both are free, unless you are wanting to see special exhibits). They have a discovery room for younger kids at the NC Science Museum that we have never been able to go into because we have either gone on a day it was closed (Mondays) or it was in use by a school group or something. Well, we decided to try it out after going through the pirate exhibit at the history museum and we FINALLY got to go in! Kyle enjoyed the above activity a lot. There were magnets attached to shells and a magnet attached to the string on the stick. He had to put the string in the hole, get a shell, and put the shell in the bucket. He wanted to do this over and over again. (This would be a very easy activity for me to make for him for home so I am adding it to my list of activites for him.)

The only thing that really distracted him from the magnet activity were these discovery drawers. Each one had different types of objects in them and Kyle really enjoyed opening them and discovering what was hidden within. The above one had volcanic rocks he could pick up and hold. The one below had smells (on cotton balls in the plastic containers) for him to smell. He was trying to share one with daddy in this picture.

The discovery room was fantastic and we plan to go there again. He could probably spend a couple hours in there and not get bored at all.
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