Tuesday, March 04, 2008

February 9 - March 4

We have come upon the time when all of our baby friends are turning one!!! This latest birthday celebration at the playground was for Aidan, Kyle's first friend!!! We will be celebrating a birthday at least once a week through April, ending with Kyle's own birthday on April 26! What a fun time for all of us!

"More bubbles, please!"

"Happy Birthday, Aidan!"

"I'll take that balloon, mommy."

"Mwah....here's a big kiss for you!"

Karl and I took Kyle to one of our favorite parks. It has a walking trail so we took Kyle's push toy and let him walk the trail. He has been walking with this and along furniture since early January.

Time for some early morning play!

We had some amazing weather lately so we threw a blanket down, put up Kyle's little tent, and had a great time playing in our backyard. Again...the push toy from Aunt Ingrid and Uncle Ryan! It's an often used and much loved toy of Kyle's.

Getting ready to run errands.

"My mommy makes the best food! I loved this spaghetti and mixed vegetables!"
Kyle is mostly done with the baby food and pretty much eats what we eat. He'd much rather pick up real food and feed himself than wait for Karl or me to spoon feed the pureed baby food to him. We have a boy with a very healthy appetite! What is the fascination with dropping everything out ALL THE TIME???

"I didn't drop those..."

"Let me out!!!"

"Watch out...here I come!"

We took Kyle to the science museum here for the first time (which is FREE) and he LOVED looking, touching, listening to everything.

Our little walker...didn't have his lion to walk with so he used the basket on the bottom of the stroller. Yes, he was able to push it all by himself! I have to admit, it was THE CUTEST thing watching him do this!

Some of Kyle's friends came over to play with him.

This was the first time Kyle walked with his lion outside.

Kyle loves looking out this window in his playroom. So, after one of Kyle's naps, I found him like this...when he fell asleep there was nothing on the floor AND he was fully dressed...how did he manage to get his arm out of his shirt???

Valentine's Day....what a fun time we had with our little loves!

Kyle was in love with Stephanie this day! He wanted to lay next to her and have her tickle him for a while. For those who really know our Kyle....him lying still is NOT a normal thing!
Just another day playing around!

1 comment:

Erick said...

He's growing so rapidly. he's a handsome little guy.

Oh yeah, I don't have my blog for Christian listed on my profile but it's http://mihijomivida.com if you ever want to drop by there. ;) take care