We've had this exersaucer for Kyle for quite a while but before vacation he wasn't showing much interest in it. However, now that we are back, he LOVES it! We can put him in it for at least 20 minutes and he will happily occupy himself. Some other things that are different from before vacation are that Kyle can now grab and hold onto his feet, he laughs out loud for longer periods of time (he had major laughing fits with his Opa in Pensacola), and he is starting to roll from his back to his side...getting close to rolling all the way over! He has also sat unassisted (leaning way forward of course) for about 10 seconds. One other thing he does now is really move his legs like he wants to crawl....he will get them going so well that he pushes his butt high in the air! He still doesn't know what to do with those arms though! It is amazing all the things he has started doing in the past 2 weeks.
We took him for his shots today. He reacted worse than at 2 months....sigh.....many more tears and a VERY red face. He slept most of today after his shots. I didn't cry this time but I teared up pretty bad. We had him weighed again today and he is exactly 16 pounds now, up 3 ounces from 2 weeks ago.

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