Mommy thinks that Daddy has been teaching me some naughty behaviors....hehe!
Mommy got braces on her top teeth this week. She still has one of her baby teeth but that will be pulled this coming week. Ouch! Her adult tooth is behind it so the crowding caused by the extra tooth and probably the time she fell from a bar stool and busted her chin open when she was a kid has caused her teeth to get out of place. She will get her bottom braces in 4-6 months. She'll have to wear her braces for about 2 years. Poor Mommy! :(

Matthew, and some of my other friends, came over to play this week. We thought we'd check each other out...I was going for his paci...shhh...don't tell him! Don't we look almost identical in this picture? Since I love jumping up and down when my feet hit any surface while Daddy or Mommy hold me, they decided to get me this jumperoo. They got a great deal from a mommy on Craigslist whose baby had outgrown it. I wasn't sure what to do at first but it didn't take long for me to bounce around. I LOVE my jumperoo!!!
1 comment:
Look at that precious little boy!
So what exactly are you doing on bar stools as a child? LOL. Kidding. Take a pic of those braces.
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