Saturday, December 23, 2006

22 weeks and 3 days...belly keeps on growing!

These shots were taken on December 23, 2006. Our son has become quite active during the past several weeks. Karl and I first felt him move on the outside December 5. Just last night I saw my stomach bulge out as he moved a hand, leg, head, something against my stomach! What an amazing feeling it is!


Anonymous said...

Hey, Susan! I can only imagine how strange it feels to have something perform cartwheels in your belly. My mind automatically drifts to those b-list horror movies that have aliens popping out of everybody's stomachs. LOL. Good to see you two (and a half) are doing alright. Thanks for keeping us posted.

Anonymous said...

Hey, Susan! I can only imagine how strange it feels to have something perform cartwheels in your belly. My mind automatically drifts to those b-list horror movies that have aliens popping out of everybody's stomachs. LOL. Good to see you two (and a half) are doing alright. Thanks for keeping us posted.